Monday, July 4, 2011

More Monsters!

Here's some more photos of some of the Monstor decor I'm making for a birthday party next weekend.

All in all there will be Monster grins, wall decor, party bag toppers, and food label stakes. So far you've seen the monster grins)... here is some of the wall decor.

I will post a photo once it's all complete of everything so you can see all the items I was asked to make!

(the pen was added to give an idea of the size). 

Aren't they cute?? I'm doing a total of 10.. so again, I'll post all once they are complete! 

These are GREAT to add to a frame once the party is over and decorate a room or great backgrounds for scrapbooks! :) 

1 comment:

  1. How cute! I love these bright coloured monsters, Stefani. Thanks for stopping by during The Twinery + Blog Hop!
